About Galactic Alignment


Over the last century philosophers, archaeoastronomers, and historians of ancient knowledge and wisdom have been deciphering ancient languages, the origins of ancient temples, and the mythology of ancient civilizations to find the source of inspiration and knowledge for the ingenious contributions these ancient civilizations have left on the earth. Past civilizations are now being newly re-discovered and interpreted for those of us who want to know of our past, our evolution as a species, and the destiny of humanity.

Unfortunately, much of the modern world has completely ignored the knowledge obtained by ancient civilizations, or have not given them any intellectual merit, thus creating a global culture, for the most part, steeped in secular and materialistic pursuits. The time has arrived when our local Milky Way galaxy is interacting with our local star system and the most dramatic changes ever to impact on human destiny are now taking place. Humanity is currently being transformed beyond anything ever imagined. Galactic Alignment, a book by John Major Jenkins, prepares us for this transformation.

John Major Jenkins, in his seminal work Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 , deciphered the ultimate meaning of the Mayan end-date of December 21, 2012, used by the Maya in their long count calendrical system. What Jenkins discovered was that all of the Mayan priests knew of this end date as the renewal and rebirth of a new world age resulting from the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy. Everything the ancients were doing in their civilizations was involved in recognizing the significance of the galactic center. The wealth of ancient architecture left on earth, which mirrored the heavens and had encoded in their stone monuments the direction to galactic center, indicating the ascent to a new spiritual world age, is the hallmark contribution Jenkins brings to the readers of hisGalactic Alignment.

One of the more significant encodings of galactic information into a stone monument is the Cross at Hendaye located in Hendaye, France, as well as the Cross at Urcos in Cusco, Peru. Jenkins leads us farther back in time revealing how esoteric information was carved into these stone crosses and their relationship with medieval doctrines, such as Kabbalah and alchemy. Jenkins introduces the reader into the metaphysics of Babylonian, Sumerian, and Persian metaphysics before he launches into evidence that points to galactic center as it is expressed through so many mythologies and monuments all over the earth.

The scholarship of John Major Jenkins once again shows itself to be most insightful when uncovering the lost knowledge of the ancient civilizations. Jenkins has continually uncovered the meaning of Mayan Calendrics, and now with his latest book he takes us around the world, unveiling how other ancient civilizations knew of the same celestial alignment. The Western World has either intentionally ignored the great precessional cycle and the alignments occurring once every 26,000 years, or has suppressed it for purposes of preventing people from being able to realize their own spiritual destiny, or their own evolutionary unfoldment in this universe. Supression of awareness on a celestial scale happened once before when people were not allowed to see how the earth revolved around the sun. The vision of Galileo was suppressed by the Catholic church just 325 years ago.

But now the knowledge and truth is out, and Jenkins has revealed it through the ingenious synthesis and interweaving of scholarly works of many authors from around the world. Galactic Alignment presents a wide-spread recognition of how all ancient cultures were aware that alignments to the galactic center do periodically occur, and that these alignments offer spiritual renewal for humanity --- not catastrophe and destruction as is commonly promoted by modern-day interpretations of the end time. Galactic Alignment will for the first time present the work of other scholars rarely or ever seen in print, but fully documented and methodically referenced by Jenkins. Several magnificent works published in the late 20th century need to be read to fully appreciate the breadth and scope of Jenkins' synthesis.

read more : http://www.earthportals.com/Portal_Messenger/alignment2012

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